Thursday, February 09, 2012

Clean blank icons on jailbroken iPhone with iWipe Cache

Winterboard sometime messes up the icons on the iPhone and makes them appear blank

To fix this install iWipe Cache from Cydia or Modmyi repo

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

How to clean and clear email suggestions auto-complete history in iPhone

1. Download Diskaid from

2. Using Diskaid download AddressBook.sqlitedb file to PC from /private/var/mobile/Library/AddressBook

3. Backup AddressBook.sqlitedb to a safe place and then rename AddressBook.sqlitedb to AddressBook.sqlite

4. Use SQLite Manager Firefox extension to open AddressBook.sqlite

5. Browse Data tab and select ABRecent from table and select the record to delete and press the delete record button

6. Save AddressBook.sqlite and rename to AddressBook.sqlitedb

7. Upload AddressBook.sqlitedb to /private/var/mobile/Library/AddressBook using Diskaid

8. Switch off iPhone and Switch back on to reboot

9. Done!