Thursday, August 27, 2009

How to find absolute path using php

Create a file called path.php with the following code:

echo realpath(dirname(__FILE__));

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Read More itemid Hack on Joomla 1.0

Goto: components/com_content/content.html.php

Example: So if readmore link on home page is picking up Itemid=42 and you want to force it into another interior Itemid then:

At around line 1768

Change function ReadMore a link to:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Correcting the 1px OFF Center Aligned Background Bug

The bug appears when trying to align even numbered width backgrounds, with an odd numbered width browser viewport (or vice versa) more

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

sh404sef and Virtuemart pagination issue

Insert this in component/com_sh404sef/sef_ext/com_virtuemart.php just after the function definitions (eg: if (!function_exists('vmSefGetProductName')) i.e. at around line 95):

// Detect where a menu item with a non-standard Itemid is being processed and simulate a VM internal 'menu' item to facilitate pagination
global $sess;
if( !isset($sess) ) {
require_once( JPATH_ROOT.DS.'components'.DS.'com_virtuemart'.DS.'virtuemart_parser.php' );
$vm_Itemid = $sess->getShopItemid();
// Check whether the Itemid is the usual value for a VM menu item
if( $Itemid != $vm_Itemid ) {
// The URL is based on a menu item other than the standard VM menu item (usually the home page)
// VM always uses the standard VM Itemid value in pagination URLs and so this URL will be updated to
// use the standard Itemid and to incorporate any menu item parameters, in case pagination is appropriate.
$menu = & shRouter::shGetMenu();
$menuItem = $menu->getItem( $Itemid );
if( $menuItem ) {
// Get the menu parameter set
$menuparams =& new JParameter( $menuItem->params );
// Replicate the logic used by VM to assess whether a browse or product detail page required
$tmp_product_id = $menuparams->get( 'product_id' );
$tmp_category_id = $menuparams->get( 'category_id' );
// Get the page name and remove '.php', if present
$tmp_page = preg_replace('/\.php/', '', strtolower($menuparams->get( 'page' )));
if( !empty($tmp_product_id) ) {
$default_page = 'shop.product_details';
} else if( !empty($tmp_category_id) ) {
$default_page = 'shop.browse';
} else {
$default_page = '';
$tmp_page = empty($tmp_page) ? $default_page : $tmp_page;
// Check whether the menu item is a browse page or product detail page (other pages are excluded
$allowed_pages = array(
if( in_array($tmp_page, $allowed_pages) ) {
// Clear down the unwanted get vars from the $shGETVars array
$required_params = array(
global $shGETVars;
foreach( $shGETVars as $param ) {
if( !in_array($param, $required_params) ) {
// Reset the Itemid
$Itemid = $vm_Itemid;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'Itemid', $Itemid );

// Replicate the logic used by VM to include specific parameter values
if( !empty($tmp_product_id) ) {
$product_id = $tmp_product_id;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'product_id', $product_id );
} else if( !empty($tmp_category_id) ) {
$category_id = $tmp_category_id;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'category_id', $category_id );
$tmp_flypage = $menuparams->get('flypage');
if( ( !empty($tmp_product_id) || !empty($tmp_category_id) ) && !empty($tmp_flypage) ) {
$flypage = $tmp_flypage;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'flypage', $flypage );
$page = $tmp_page;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'page', $page );
// Process any other menu parameters not already processed
$params = $menuparams->toArray();
// Exclude system parameters and those already processed
$excluded_params = array(
// Process each parameter
foreach( $params as $param => $value ) {
if( !in_array($param, $excluded_params) && $value != '' ) { // Note empty() is not used here because zero is valid
$$param = $value;
shAddToGETVarsList( $param, $value );
shRemoveFromGETVarsList( $param );

// Set the page number for browse pages, if not already set
if( !isset($limitstart) || !isset($limit) ) {
$my_page = explode('.', $page);
$pagename = isset($my_page[1]) ? $my_page[1] : '';
if( $pagename == 'browse' ) {
global $vm_mainframe, $mosConfig_list_limit;
if( !isset($limitstart) ) {
// VM stores a different default limitstart value for each different browse page. That value must be identified so that the URL
// is created for the expected page
// Store the 'current value' of limitstart so that it can be restored later
$save_limitstart = vmRequest::getVar('limitstart');
// Setting the 'current value' to null allows the stored value (if any) to be retrieved without it being overwritten by a
// 'current value' that is usually not applicable to that particular browse page
vmRequest::setVar( 'limitstart', null );
// Force a consistent value for category_id when empty
$category_id = empty($category_id) ? 0 : $category_id;
$limitstart = (int)$vm_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( "view{$keyword}{$category_id}{$pagename}limitstart", 'limitstart', 0 );
shAddToGETVarsList( 'limitstart', $limitstart );
// Restore the original 'current value' of limitstart
vmRequest::setVar( 'limitstart', $save_limitstart );
if( !isset($limit) ) {
// No need to save and restore values here because VM only uses one value globally
$limit = (int)$vm_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( "viewlistlimit{$page}", 'limit', $mosConfig_list_limit );
shAddToGETVarsList( 'limit', $limit );

// Ensure that $limitstart is a multiple of $limit (this can occur if $limit was changed since $limitstart was set)
if( isset($limitstart) && $limit > 0 ) {
$limitstart = floor($limitstart/$limit)*$limit;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'limitstart', $limitstart );

In backend settings:

Look for Virtuemart configuration in plugins page
- Select to YES the option that says “Using Items per page drop-down list”
- Save your settings
- Purge SEF urls