Insert this in component/com_sh404sef/sef_ext/com_virtuemart.php just after the function definitions (eg:
i.e. at around line 95):
// Detect where a menu item with a non-standard Itemid is being processed and simulate a VM internal 'menu' item to facilitate pagination
global $sess;
if( !isset($sess) ) {
require_once( JPATH_ROOT.DS.'components'.DS.'com_virtuemart'.DS.'virtuemart_parser.php' );
$vm_Itemid = $sess->getShopItemid();
// Check whether the Itemid is the usual value for a VM menu item
if( $Itemid != $vm_Itemid ) {
// The URL is based on a menu item other than the standard VM menu item (usually the home page)
// VM always uses the standard VM Itemid value in pagination URLs and so this URL will be updated to
// use the standard Itemid and to incorporate any menu item parameters, in case pagination is appropriate.
$menu = & shRouter::shGetMenu();
$menuItem = $menu->getItem( $Itemid );
if( $menuItem ) {
// Get the menu parameter set
$menuparams =& new JParameter( $menuItem->params );
// Replicate the logic used by VM to assess whether a browse or product detail page required
$tmp_product_id = $menuparams->get( 'product_id' );
$tmp_category_id = $menuparams->get( 'category_id' );
// Get the page name and remove '.php', if present
$tmp_page = preg_replace('/\.php/', '', strtolower($menuparams->get( 'page' )));
if( !empty($tmp_product_id) ) {
$default_page = 'shop.product_details';
} else if( !empty($tmp_category_id) ) {
$default_page = 'shop.browse';
} else {
$default_page = '';
$tmp_page = empty($tmp_page) ? $default_page : $tmp_page;
// Check whether the menu item is a browse page or product detail page (other pages are excluded
$allowed_pages = array(
if( in_array($tmp_page, $allowed_pages) ) {
// Clear down the unwanted get vars from the $shGETVars array
$required_params = array(
global $shGETVars;
foreach( $shGETVars as $param ) {
if( !in_array($param, $required_params) ) {
// Reset the Itemid
$Itemid = $vm_Itemid;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'Itemid', $Itemid );
// Replicate the logic used by VM to include specific parameter values
if( !empty($tmp_product_id) ) {
$product_id = $tmp_product_id;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'product_id', $product_id );
} else if( !empty($tmp_category_id) ) {
$category_id = $tmp_category_id;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'category_id', $category_id );
$tmp_flypage = $menuparams->get('flypage');
if( ( !empty($tmp_product_id) || !empty($tmp_category_id) ) && !empty($tmp_flypage) ) {
$flypage = $tmp_flypage;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'flypage', $flypage );
$page = $tmp_page;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'page', $page );
// Process any other menu parameters not already processed
$params = $menuparams->toArray();
// Exclude system parameters and those already processed
$excluded_params = array(
// Process each parameter
foreach( $params as $param => $value ) {
if( !in_array($param, $excluded_params) && $value != '' ) { // Note empty() is not used here because zero is valid
$$param = $value;
shAddToGETVarsList( $param, $value );
shRemoveFromGETVarsList( $param );
// Set the page number for browse pages, if not already set
if( !isset($limitstart) || !isset($limit) ) {
$my_page = explode('.', $page);
$pagename = isset($my_page[1]) ? $my_page[1] : '';
if( $pagename == 'browse' ) {
global $vm_mainframe, $mosConfig_list_limit;
if( !isset($limitstart) ) {
// VM stores a different default limitstart value for each different browse page. That value must be identified so that the URL
// is created for the expected page
// Store the 'current value' of limitstart so that it can be restored later
$save_limitstart = vmRequest::getVar('limitstart');
// Setting the 'current value' to null allows the stored value (if any) to be retrieved without it being overwritten by a
// 'current value' that is usually not applicable to that particular browse page
vmRequest::setVar( 'limitstart', null );
// Force a consistent value for category_id when empty
$category_id = empty($category_id) ? 0 : $category_id;
$limitstart = (int)$vm_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( "view{$keyword}{$category_id}{$pagename}limitstart", 'limitstart', 0 );
shAddToGETVarsList( 'limitstart', $limitstart );
// Restore the original 'current value' of limitstart
vmRequest::setVar( 'limitstart', $save_limitstart );
if( !isset($limit) ) {
// No need to save and restore values here because VM only uses one value globally
$limit = (int)$vm_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( "viewlistlimit{$page}", 'limit', $mosConfig_list_limit );
shAddToGETVarsList( 'limit', $limit );
// Ensure that $limitstart is a multiple of $limit (this can occur if $limit was changed since $limitstart was set)
if( isset($limitstart) && $limit > 0 ) {
$limitstart = floor($limitstart/$limit)*$limit;
shAddToGETVarsList( 'limitstart', $limitstart );
In backend settings:
Look for Virtuemart configuration in plugins page
- Select to YES the option that says “Using Items per page drop-down list”
- Save your settings
- Purge SEF urls